You haul it and set it like a lobster trap. You already know how many of them fit on the back of your boat or stacked 6 high on your trailer. But with 3 common shellfish bags, it has the same capacity as a lantern net and is purpose built for growing scallops.

It looks like a lobster trap.

Scallops love deep cold water and holding them on the bottom not only protects them from the volatility of temperature swings and wave action. It also keeps the gear in a low fouling environment, where hauling schedules can be determined by the scallops themselves, not the labor intensive and costly grading and defouling that plagues suspended systems like lantern nets.

The design ensures it always lands right-side up and doesn’t sink into the mud. It can be strung in trawls and set in different areas throughout the year to maximize productivity. The flexibility and speed of fishing gear and the dependability and consistency of aquaculture—all in the same package.

Because the gear is mobile, it can be relocated seasonally to avoid conflict with lobster traps and scallop draggers. This adaptability ensures that farming can be integrated smoothly alongside lobstering, supporting a diverse and sustainable working waterfront. By responding to the shifting needs of the industry and the environment, the Maine Scallop Pot(™) allows fishermen to diversify their catch while fostering collaboration on the water. 

No permanent changes. No loss of fishing grounds. Just another way to work the water and increase your bottom line.